Sunday, March 2, 2008


Girl- hee hee hee ha ha ha ha ha ha
it's 3 o'clock on a Saturday I went to Beer Fest Philadelphia, 2000 and 8!
WOO!! WOOO!!! WOOOO!!!! WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
I am drunk and this is to you, and some one else wants to talk to you, OUCH!

Boy- I don't know who I'm talking to- HEY! HELLO! Wicked ass drunk dial right here and it's like 3 o'clock in the afternoon and we just came from beer fest we're drunk and she's drunk and I just smacked her ass

Girl- He smacked my ASS!! drunk dial damnit- OUCH, ow, wow!!! That really hurt!!!!

left by a boy and a girl, on 3/1/2008 at 3:09pm, 215 area code
(note: much of this drunk dial was sung, tune unrecognizable)

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